This document provides you with specific API descriptions, syntax, parameter descriptions, and examples, etc. You can call the API to manage the resources of the cloud phone service.
Update the record
Update Log (Chronological Order)
- Updated Modify SIM interface
- Added Request stsToken based on padCode interface
- Updated One Click New Machine interface (supports incoming country code)
- Added Backup Restore callbacks
- New Callback Configuration interface
- Added Modify Contacts interface
- Added Instance Backup and Instance Data Restore interfaces
- Added One Click New Machine interface
- New Modify Instance Android Attributes interface
- New Enable/Disable Instance ADB interface
- New Modify Instance Time Zone interface
- New Modify Instance Language interface
- New Modify Instance SIM Card Information interface
- New Set Instance Latitude and Longitude interface
- New Query Instance Agent Information interface
- New Instance Setting Agent interface
- New Set Instance Bandwidth interface
- New Instance IP Binding interface
- New Apply for RTC Shared Room Token interface
- New Add Application Blacklist List interface
- New Setup Instance Blacklist interface
- New Physical Machine Reboot interface
- New Batch Get Example Models interface
- New Batch Request RTC Token interface
- Updated Instance Operation Task Details interface
- Updated Application Installation interface
- Updated Application Launch interface
- Updated Application Start/Stop interface
- Updated Application Stop interface
- Updated Application Restart interface
- Updated Application Uninstallation interface
- Updated Instance Reset interface
- Updated Example File Upload interface
- Updated Query Instance Application List interface
- Updated File Upload interface
- Updated Instance Restart interface
- Updated Instance Details interface
- Updated Modify Instance Properties interface
- Updated Asynchronous Execution of ADB Commands interface
- Updated Mirror Upload interface
- Updated Mirror Upgrade interface
- Documentation Release
Calling instructions
Obtain the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key (AK/SK) of the account for API request authentication. Please contact your technical contact to obtain the
Public request parameters
The interface must include the following four parameters in Headers for authentication each time it is requested, otherwise the interface will not be able to request properly.
| Parameter Name | Type | Example Values | Parameter Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | x-date | string | 20240301T093700Z | Timestamp of the sent request, using UTC time, accurate to seconds | | x-host | string | | Interface Access Domain | | authorization | string | HMAC-SHA256 Credential={AccessKey}/{ShortDate}/armcloud-paas/request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x- content-sha256;x-date, Signature={Signature} | Signature included in sent request | | Content-Type | string | application/json | MIME type of the resource |
Authorization signature mechanism
For each HTTPS protocol request, the identity of the access requestor is verified based on the signature information in the access. This is achieved by cryptographic verification of the AccessKey ID and AccessKey Secret (AK/SK) corresponding to the user account.
Calling SDK signatures
Attention For specific calling methods, please refer to ** Interface List ** Code Example
In the SDK provides a signature function or method, the developer only needs to provide the access key and other information in the request, the SDK will automatically calculate the request signature and add the signature result to the request. This method simplifies the signing process and reduces the development difficulty, especially for developers who are not familiar with the signature algorithm.
java call example
Manual Signature
Signatures require a series of processing of the request parameters, including steps such as sorting, splicing, and encryption. This approach provides greater flexibility and customisability and is suitable for situations where the developer has a deep understanding of the signature algorithm. However, manual signing requires developers to write additional code to implement the signing process, which may increase the difficulty of development and the possibility of errors, so we still recommend that you use the SDK to call the API and try to avoid writing your own signing code. If you need to understand the principle and specific process of signature calculation, you can refer to the following documents.
The manual signature mechanism requires the requestor to calculate the hash value of the request parameters, encrypt them and send them to the server together with the API request, the server will use the same mechanism to calculate the signature of the received request and compare it with the signature passed by the requestor, if the signature fails to pass the verification, the request will be rejected.
Obtain the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key (AK/SK) of the account for API request authentication. Please contact your technical contact to obtain the
Constructing canonical request strings (CanonicalRequest)
String canonicalStringBuilder=
"host: "+*${host}*+"\n "+
"x-date: "+*${xDate}*+"\n "+
"content-type: "+*${contentType}*+"\n "+
"signedHeaders: "+*${signedHeaders}*+"\n "+
"x-content-sha256: "+*${xContentSha256}*;
Fields | Interpretation |
host | Request service domain. Fixed to: |
x-date | Specifies the request UTC time, i.e., the value of X-Date in the public parameters of the request header, using the ISO 8601-compliant format: YYYYYMMDD'T'HHMMSS'Z' , e.g., `20201103T104027Z' |
content-type | media-type of the request or response body (application/json) |
signedHeaders | Participate in the signature of the Header, and CanonicalHeaders contains the Header is a one-to-one correspondence, the purpose is to specify which Header to participate in the signature calculation, so as to ignore the request was added by the proxy additional Header, which host, x-date if there is a Header then Mandatory participation Pseudo-code is as follows: SignedHeaders=Lowercase(HeaderName0)+';'+Lowercase(HeaderName1)+"; "+... +Lowercase(HeaderNameN) Example: SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-content-sha256;x-date |
x-content-sha256 | hashSHA256(body) |
Constructing the string to be signed (StringToSign)
The signature string mainly contains metadata information about the request as well as the normalised request, and consists of the signature algorithm, the request date, the trust shape and the normalised request hash concatenation.
Construct the string to be signed with the following pseudo-code:
Fields | Interpretation |
Algorithm | Refers to the algorithm for signing, currently only the HMAC-SHA256 signature algorithm is supported. |
x-date | Specifies the request UTC time, i.e., the value of X-Date in the public parameters of the request header, using the ISO 8601-compliant format: YYYYYMMDD'T'HHMMSS'Z' , e.g., `20201103T104027Z' |
CredentialScope | refers to the trust state in the format: ${YYYYMMDD}/${service}/request , where ${YYYYMMDD} takes the date in X-Date, ${service} is fixed to armcloud-paas, and request is a fixed value. Refer to "Calculating CredentialScope" below |
CanonicalRequest | means the result of constructing a canonical request string. |
Calculating CredentialScope
String credentialScope = shortXDate+"/"+service+"/request";
shortXDate: short request time (x-date intercepts the first 8 digits Example: 20201103)
service: service name (fixed armcloud-paas)
"/request": fixed value
Signingkey example
Derived signature key generated by a sequence of HMAC hash operations
byte[]Signingkey=hmacSHA256(hmacSHA256(hmacSHA256(hmacSHA256(sk.getBytes(),shortXDate),service), "request");
Fields | Interpretation |
sk | client key |
shortXDate | shortRequestDate |
Service | Service name is fixed to armcloud-paas |
Signature example
Data encryption and decryption example
Java AES GCM Decryption
import javax.crypto.
import javax.crypto.spec.GCMParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import java.util.Base64;
public class AESUtils {
private static final String AES = "AES";
private static final String AES_CIPHER_ALGORITHM = "AES/GCM/NoPadding";
private static final int GCM_TAG_LENGTH = 16;
private static final int GCM_IV_LENGTH = 12;
* :: Generates a SecretKeySpec from a given string key
private static SecretKeySpec getKeyFromPassword(String password) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
MessageDigest sha = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
byte[] key = sha.digest(password.getBytes());
return new SecretKeySpec(key, AES);
* :: Generates a new Initialisation Vector (IV)
public static byte[] generateIv() {
byte[] iv = new byte[GCM_IV_LENGTH];
new SecureRandom().nextBytes(iv);
return iv;
* :: Encrypts a plain text using AES algorithm and returns both the cipher text and IV
public static String encrypt(String input, String key) {
try {
SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = getKeyFromPassword(key);
byte[] iv = generateIv();
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(AES_CIPHER_ALGORITHM);
GCMParameterSpec gcmParameterSpec = new GCMParameterSpec(GCM_TAG_LENGTH * 8, iv);
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKeySpec, gcmParameterSpec);
byte[] cipherText = cipher.doFinal(input.getBytes());
// Encode IV and cipher text to Base64 and concatenate them with a separator
String ivString = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(iv);
String cipherTextString = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(cipherText);
return ivString + ":" + cipherTextString;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("encrypt error >>>input:{} key:{}", input, key, e);
return null;
* :: Decrypts an encrypted text using AES algorithm
public static String decrypt(String encryptedData, String key) {
try {
SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = getKeyFromPassword(key);
// Split the encrypted data into IV and cipher text
String[] parts = encryptedData.split(":");
String ivString = parts[0];
String cipherTextString = parts[1];
byte[] iv = Base64.getDecoder().decode(ivString);
byte[] cipherText = Base64.getDecoder().decode(cipherTextString);
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(AES_CIPHER_ALGORITHM);
GCMParameterSpec gcmParameterSpec = new GCMParameterSpec(GCM_TAG_LENGTH * 8, iv);
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secretKeySpec, gcmParameterSpec);
byte[] plainText = cipher.doFinal(cipherText);
return new String(plainText);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("decrypt error >>>encryptedData:{} key:{}", encryptedData, key, e);
return null;
* Encodes the input byte array to a Base64 string
public static String encodeToString(byte[] input) {
return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(input);
// Encodes the input string to a Base64 string
public static String encodeToString(String input) {
return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(input.getBytes());
* :: Decodes the input Base64 string to a byte array
public static byte[] decodeToBytes(String input) {
return Base64.getDecoder().decode(input);
* :: Decodes the input Base64 string to a regular string
public static String decodeToString(String input) {
byte[] decodedBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(input);
return new String(decodedBytes);
* :: Encodes the input byte array to a Base64 byte array
public static byte[] encodeToBytes(byte[] input) {
return Base64.getEncoder().encode(input);
* :: Decodes the input Base64 byte array to a byte array
public static byte[] decodeToBytes(byte[] input) {
return Base64.getDecoder().decode(input);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String key = "AC22030010001"; // any string as key
// Decrypt the cipher text
String decryptedText = decrypt("iMzQUI7SwzSD0kGJ:4FZ1fn1Jdd5Z4j2ehn/F3VSUVWBwLFQZH/HOCjLAI95r", key);
System.out.println("Decrypted text: " + decryptedText);
Interface overview
Instance management
interface | interface name | interface description |
/pad/restart | Instance Restart | Performs a restart operation on a specified instance to resolve unresponsive, stuck, etc. problems |
/pad/reset | Instance Reset | Perform a reset operation on the specified instance |
/pad/padProperties | QueryInstanceProperties | Query property information for the specified instance |
/pad/updatePadProperties | Modify Instance Properties | Modify property information for the specified instance |
/pad/padDetails | InstanceDetails | Query the details of the specified instance |
/room/dissolveRoom | StopPushFlow | Stop the specified instance of push flow |
/room/batchApplyToken | Batch Apply RTC Token | Apply RTC Token for multiple instances |
/device/powerReset | Physical Machine Reboot | Perform a reboot operation on the specified physical machine |
/pad/updateTimeZone | ModifyInstanceTimeZone | Modify the time zone for the specified instance |
/pad/updateLanguage | ModifyInstanceLanguage | ModifySystemLanguage for a given instance |
/pad/updateSIM | Modify Instance SIM Information | Modify SIM Information for a specified instance |
/pad/gpsInjectInfo | Set instance latitude and longitude | Modify the current latitude and longitude for the given instance |
/network/proxy/set | Instance Set Proxy | Set Proxy Information for Specified Instance |
/network/proxy/info | Query Instance Proxy Information | Query the specified instance proxy information |
/pad/updatePadAndroidProp | Modify Instance Android Attributes | Modify Instance Android Attributes |
Instance manipulation
interface | interface name | interface description |
/pad/asyncCmd | Execute ADB commands asynchronously | Execute adb commands (asynchronous tasks) in one or more cloud phone instances |
/pad/syncCmd | Synchronise ADB commands | Synchronise adb commands across one or more cloud phone instances |
/pad/screenshot | Local Screenshot | Perform a screenshot in the instance with the phone and save it locally in the cloud machine |
/pad/generatePreview | Generate Preview | Take a screenshot of the current cloud phone screen and get the address to download the screenshot file |
/file/cache | File Upload | Uploading files to the File Management Centre (asynchronous task) |
/file/list | File List | Query uploaded file list information |
/pad/v2/uploadFile | Instance File Upload | Push file(s) from File Management Centre to one or more Cloud Phone instances (asynchronous task) |
/pad/upgradeImage | Upgrade Image | Upgrade Instance Image (asynchronous task) |
/pad/modelInfo | Batch Fetch Instance Model Info | Batch Fetch the model info of the corresponding instance based on the instance number |
/appBlack/setUpBlackList | add app black list list | add app black list based on instance specifications |
/pad/triggeringBlacklist | SetInstanceBlacklist | SetInstanceBlacklist by Instance Specification |
/pad/setSpeed | SetInstanceBandwidth | SetInstanceBandwidth in bulk based on instance number |
/pad/adb | Enable/Disable Instance ADB | Enable or disable ADB for an instance based on the instance ID |
Resource management
interface | interface name | interface description |
/pad/infos | Instance List Information | Query all ordered instances list information |
/group/infos | Instance Grouping List | Query All Instance Grouping Lists |
Application management
interface | interface name | interface description |
/app/cache | Application Upload | Upload application installation files to the Application Management Centre (asynchronous task) |
/app/list | app-list | Query the list of uploaded apps |
/app/detail | Application Details | Queries the details of the specified application and application version information |
/pad/listApp | Query Instance App List | Query App Installation on the specified instance |
/pad/installApp | App Installation | Deploys the specified app installation to the specified cloud instance (asynchronous task) |
/pad/uninstallApp | App Uninstall | Uninstall the specified app from the cloud instance (asynchronous task) |
/pad/startApp | App Launch | Launch the specified app in one or more cloud instances (asynchronous task) |
/pad/stopApp | App Stop | Shut down the specified app in one or more cloud instances (asynchronous task) |
/pad/restartApp | Application Restart | Restart the specified application in one or more cloud instances (asynchronous task) |
Mirror management
interface | interface name | interface description |
/image/uploadImage | Creating a Mirror Upload Task | Creating a Mirror Upload Task (asynchronous task) |
Task management
interface | interface name | interface description |
/task/fileTaskDetail | fileTaskDetail | Query the details of the execution result of the specified file task |
/task/padTaskDetail | InstanceOperationTaskDetail | Query the execution result details of the specified instance operation task |
/task/list | Task List | Query list information of tasks related to instances, applications, etc |
/task/executeScriptInfo | Get Instance Execute Script Results | Get Instance Execute Script Results by Execute Script Task ID |
/task/cacheFileResult | Get File Upload Task Results | Get the file upload results of an instance by its file upload task ID |
/task/screenshotInfo | Get instance screenshot results | Get instance screenshot results by screenshot task ID |
/task/appOperateInfo | appOperateExecutionResults | Get the results of an instance's appOperate by appOperateTask ID |
/task/padExecuteTaskInfo | InstanceRestartResetExecuteResults | Get InstanceRestartResetExecuteResults by task ID |
/task/imageUploadResult | Image Upload Task Result Query | Image Upload Task Result Query by Task ID |
SDK Token
interface | interface name | interface description |
/token/stsToken | issue sdk temporary token | issue sdk temporary token for authentication of users accessing the cloud phone service |
List of OpenAPI interfaces
Instance management
Instance restart
Performs a reboot operation on a specified instance to solve problems such as unresponsive and stuck systems.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Values | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
padCodes | String[] | yes | ||
├─ | AC21020010001 | String | Yes | Instance Number |
groupIds | Integer[] | no | ||
├─ | 1 | Integer | No | Instance Group ID |
Response parameters
parameter name | example value | parameter type | parameter description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | response message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamps |
data | Object[] | ||
├─taskId | 1 | Integer | Task ID |
├─padCode | AC21020010001 | String | Instance Number |
├─vmStatus | 1 | Integer | Instance online status (0: offline; 1: online) |
Example request
"padCodes": [
"groupIds": [1]
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"taskId": 1,
"padCode": "AC21020010001".
"vmStatus": 1
Error code
Error Code | Error Description | Recommendations |
10001 | Reboot Failed | Contact Administrator |
110004 | Failed to execute reboot command | Reboot again later |
110028 | Instance does not exist | Please check if the instance exists. |
Code example
// java call example
public class SDKExample {
private final ArmCloudApiService armCloudApiService;
public SDKExample() {
ArmCloudConfig armCloudConfig = new ArmCloudConfig();
armCloudConfig.setAk("your access_key_id");
armCloudConfig.setSk("your secret_access_key");
armCloudApiService = new ArmCloudApiServiceImpl(armCloudConfig, new DefaultHttpExecutor());
public void test() throws Exception {
RestartRequest requestParam = new RestartRequest();
List<String> padCodes = new ArrayList<>();
Result<PadTaskResponse> result = armCloudApiService.execute(ArmCloudApiEnum.PAD_RESTART, requestParam, new TypeReference<Result <PadTaskResponse>>() {});
Instance reset
Performs a reset operation on the specified instance to clean up applications and files
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Values | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
padCodes | String[] | Yes | ||
├─ | AC21020010001 | String | Yes | Instance number |
groupIds | Integer[] | no | ||
├── 1 | Integer | No | Instance Group ID |
Response parameters
| parameter name | example value | parameter type | parameter description| |--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |code | 200 | Integer | Status code | |msg | success | String | response message | |ts | 1756021167163 | Long | timestamp | |data | |Object[] | | |├─taskId | 1 | Integer | Task ID| | ├─padCode | AC21020010001 | String | Instance number | | ├─vmStatus | 1 | Integer | Instance online status (0: offline; 1: online) |
Example request
"padCodes": [
"groupIds": [1]
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1717559681604.
"data": [
"taskId": 88,
"padCode": "AC22030010001",
"vmStatus": 1
"taskId": 89.
"padCode": "AC22030010002".
"vmStatus": 0
Error code
Error Code | Error Description | Recommendations |
10002 | Reset Failed | Contact Administrator |
110005 | Failed to execute reset command | reset again later |
Code example
// java call example
ResetRequest requestParam = new ResetRequest();
List<String> padCodes = new ArrayList<>();
Result<PadTaskResponse> result = armCloudApiService.execute(ArmCloudApiEnum.PAD_RESET, requestParam, new TypeReference<Result& lt;PadTaskResponse>>() {});
Query instance attributes
Queries the attribute information of the specified instance, including system attribute information and setting information.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Values | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
padCode | AC21020010001 | String | Yes | Instance number |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object | ||
├─padCode | AC21020010001 | String | Instance Number |
├─modemPropertiesList | Object[] | Modem Properties List | |
├─├─propertiesName | IMEI | String | Property Name |
├─├─propertiesValue | 412327621057784 | String | Property Value |
├─systemPropertiesList | Object[] | System Properties List | |
├─├─propertiesName | | String | Property Name |
├─├─propertiesValue | QQ3A.200805.001 | String | Property Value |
├─settingPropertiesList | Object[] | Setting Properties List | |
├─├─propertiesName | | String | Property Name |
├─├─propertiesValue | release-keys | String | Property Value |
├─oaidPropertiesList | Object[] | OAID Properties List | |
├─├─propertiesName | oaid | String | Property Name |
├─├─propertiesValue | 001 | String | Property Value |
Example request
"padCode": "AC21020010001"
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"padCode": "AC21020010001".
"modemPropertiesList": [
"propertiesName": "IMEI",
"propertiesValue": "412327621057784"
"systemPropertiesList": [
"propertiesName": "",
"propertiesValue": "QQ3A.200805.001"
"settingPropertiesList": [
"propertiesName": "",
"propertiesValue": "release-keys"
"oaidPropertiesList": [
"propertiesName": "oaid",
"propertiesValue": "001"
Error code
Error Code | Error Description | Action Suggestion |
110028 | Instance does not exist | Please check if the instance is correct |
Code example
// java call example
PadPropertiesRequest requestParam = new PadPropertiesRequest();
Result<PadPropertiesResponse> result = armCloudApiService.execute(ArmCloudApiEnum.PAD_GET_PROPERTIES, requestParam,new TypeReference<Result<PadPropertiesResponse>>() {});
Modify instance attributes
Modifies attribute information for the specified instance, including system attributes and settings.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required | Parameter Description |
padCodes | String[] | Yes | ||
├─ | AC21020010001 | String | Yes | Instance Number |
modemPersistPropertiesList | Object[] | No | Modem Persistent Properties List | |
├─ propertiesName | IMEI | String | No | Property Name |
├─ propertiesValue | 412327621057784 | String | No | Property Value |
modemPropertiesList | Object[] | No | Modem Non-Persistent Properties List | |
├─ propertiesName | IMEI | String | No | Property Name |
├─ propertiesValue | 412327621057784 | String | No | Property Value |
systemPersistPropertiesList | Object[] | No | System Persistent Properties List | |
├─ propertiesName | | String | No | Property Name |
├─ propertiesValue | QQ3A.200805.001 | String | No | Property Value |
systemPropertiesList | Object[] | No | System Non-Persistent Properties List | |
├─ propertiesName | | String | No | Property Name |
├─ propertiesValue | QQ3A.200805.001 | String | No | Property Value |
settingPropertiesList | Object[] | No | Setting Properties List | |
├─ propertiesName | | String | No | Property Name |
├─ propertiesValue | release-keys | String | No | Property Value |
oaidPropertiesList | Object[] | No | OAID Properties List | |
├─ propertiesName | oaid | String | No | Property Name |
├─ propertiesValue | 001 | String | No | Property Value |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object[] | ||
├─ taskId | 1 | Integer | Task ID |
├─ padCode | AC21020010001 | String | Instance Number |
├─ vmStatus | 1 | Integer | Instance Online Status (0: Offline; 1: Online) |
Example request
"padCodes": [
"modemPersistPropertiesList": [
"propertiesName": "IMEI",
"propertiesValue": "412327621057784"
"modemPropertiesList": [
"propertiesName": "IMEI",
"propertiesValue": "412327621057784"
"systemPersistPropertiesList": [
"propertiesName": "",
"propertiesValue": "QQ3A.200805.001"
"systemPropertiesList": [
"propertiesName": "",
"propertiesValue": "QQ3A.200805.001"
"settingPropertiesList": [
"propertiesName": "",
"propertiesValue": "release-keys"
"oaidPropertiesList": [
"propertiesName": "oaid",
"propertiesValue": "001"
Example of response
"code": 200,
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1717570916196,
"data": [
"taskId": 36,
"padCode": "AC22030010001",
"vmStatus": 1
Error code
Error Code | Error Description | Action Suggestion |
110011 | Failed to execute modify attribute command | Please try again later |
110028 | Instance does not exist | Please check if the instance is correct |
110027 | There is a duplicate item in the instance number set | Please check if there are duplicate instances |
Code example
// java call example
UpdatePadPropertiesRequest requestParam = new UpdatePadPropertiesRequest();
List<String> padCodes = new ArrayList<>();
List<PadPropertiesSub> subs = new ArrayList<>();
PadPropertiesSub sub = new PadPropertiesSub();
Result<List<GeneratePadResponse>> result = armCloudApiService.execute(ArmCloudApiEnum.PAD_UPDATE_PROPERTIES, requestParam, new TypeReference<Result<List<GeneratePadResponse>>() {});
Instance details
Queries the attribute information of the specified instance, including system attribute information and setting information.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required | Parameter Description |
page | 1 | Integer | No | Page Number |
rows | 10 | Integer | No | Records per Page |
padCodes | String[] | No | ||
├─ | AC21020010391 | String | No | Instance Number |
padIps | String[] | NO | ||
├─ | | String | NO | Instance IP |
vmStatus | 1 | String | No | Instance Online Status: 0 - Offline, 1 - Online |
controlStatus | 1 | String | No | Control Status (Streaming Status): 1 - Uncontrolled, 2 - Controlled |
faultStatus | 14 | String | No | Instance Running Status: 14 - Exception, Other - Normal |
deviceStatus | 0 | String | No | Physical Machine Online Status: 0 - Offline, 1 - Online |
groupId | 2 | Integer | No | Group ID |
idcCode | HNCS-C-01 | String | No | Data Center Code |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object | ||
├─ page | 1 | Integer | Current Page |
├─ rows | 10 | Integer | Number per Page |
├─ size | 1 | Integer | Current Page Count |
├─ total | 1 | Integer | Total Record Count |
├─ totalPage | 1 | Integer | Total Page Count |
├─ pageData | object[] | List | |
├─ ├─ padCode | VP21020010391 | String | Instance Number |
├─ ├─ imageId | android:v10 | String | Image ID |
├─ ├─ deviceLevel | q2-6 | String | Instance Specification (q2-6 Six Core, q2-4 Four Core) |
├─ ├─ padStatus | 12 | Integer | Instance Status (10 - Running, 11 - Restarting, 12 - Resetting, 13 - Upgrading, 14 - Exception, 15 - Not Ready, 16 - Upgrading) |
├─ ├─ deviceStatus | 1 | Integer | Physical Machine Status (0 - Offline, 1 - Online) |
├─ ├─ online | 1 | Integer | Instance Online Status (0 - Offline, 1 - Online) |
├─ ├─ streamStatus | 0 | Integer | Instance Streaming Status (0 - Idle, 1 - Streaming) |
├─ ├─ dataSize | 234493726720 | Long | Total Storage Capacity (Bytes) |
├─ ├─ dataSizeUsed | 179189956608 | Long | Used Storage Capacity (Bytes) |
├─ ├─ dcInfo | Object | Data Center Information | |
├─ ├─ ├─ dcCode | dc01 | String | Data Center Code |
├─ ├─ ├─ dcName | 长沙-01 | String | Data Center Name |
├─ ├─ ├─ area | 长沙 | String | Area |
├─ ├─ ├─ ossEndpoint | | String | OSS Public Interface Address |
├─ ├─ ├─ ossEndpointInternal | | String | OSS Internal Interface Address |
├─ ├─ ├─ ossFileEndpoint | | String | Access File Address |
├─ ├─ ├─ ossScreenshotEndpoint | | String | Access Screenshot Address |
Example request
"page": 1,
"rows": 10,
"padCodes": ["AC21020010391"],
"vmStatus": "1",
"controlStatus": "1",
"faultStatus": "14",
"deviceStatus": "0"
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"page": 1,
"rows": 10,
"size": 1,
"total": 1.
"totalPage": 1,
"pageData": [
"padCode": "AC21020010391".
"imageId": "andorid:v10",
"deviceLevel": "q2-6",
"dcInfo": {
"dcCode": "dc01".
"dcName": "Changsha-01".
"area": "Changsha".
"ossEndpoint": "",
"ossEndpointInternal": "",
"ossFileEndpoint": "",
"ossScreenshotEndpoint": "",
"padStatus": 12.
"deviceStatus": 1,
"online": 1.
"streamStatus": 0,
"dataSize": 234493726720.
"dataSizeUsed": 179189956608
Code example
// java call example
PadDetailsRequest requestParam = new PadDetailsRequest();
List<String> padCodes = new ArrayList<>();
Result<Page<PadDetailsResponse>> result = armCloudApiService.execute(ArmCloudApiEnum.PAD_DETAILS, requestParam,new TypeReference<Result<Page<PadDetailsResponse>>() {});
Stop Push Flow
Stop the specified instance from pushing the stream and disconnect the instance.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Values | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
padCodes | String[] | yes | ||
├─ | AC11010000031 | String | Yes | Instance number |
├─ | AC22020020700 | String | Yes | Instance number |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object[] | ||
├─successList | Object[] | Success Collection | |
├─├─padCode | AC11010000031 | String | Instance Number |
├─failList | Object[] | Failure Collection | |
├─├─padCode | AC22020020700 | String | Instance Number |
├─├─errorCode | 120005 | Integer | Error Code |
├─├─errorMsg | Instance does not exist | String | Reason for Failure |
Example request
"padCodes": ["AC11010000031", "AC22020020700"]
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"successList": [
"padCode": "AC11010000031"
"failList": [
"padCode": "AC22020020700".
"errorCode": 120005.
"errorMsg": "Instance does not exist"
Error code
Error Code | Error Description | Recommendations |
120005 | Instance does not exist | Please check if the instance number is correct. |
120004 | Abort Push Error, Command Service Exception | Try Again Later |
Bulk Request for RTC Connection Token
Batch request RTC Token connection information for multiple instances under the current account, and the connection information is returned in groups based on Pad.
No RTC Toekn message is returned when the Pad is unable to connect, the
field shows the reason for the inability to connect.Currently, this interface only supports the production of ArmcloudRTC tokens, if there is an exception message such as
This interface does not support this feature at the moment
, please contact the relevant personnel to reconfigure the push flow information.The generated token does not support refreshing to extend the validity period for the time being. When it expires, you need to apply for a new token.
Encrypted data needs to be decrypted using AES GCM mode with padCode key.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required | Parameter Description |
userId | 202 | String | Yes | Custom user ID defined by the business party. This field is used to generate room information. A user must be in the same room as the GameServer. The caller needs to ensure user-level uniqueness; using the same userId to generate different Tokens for connecting to the same GameServer will cause the previously established connection to disconnect. |
expire | 3600 | Integer | No | Token validity period (unit: seconds. Default is 86400). |
pads | Object[] | Yes | List of instances | |
├─padCode | AC11010000031 | String | Yes | Instance Number |
├─videoStream | Object | No | Streaming configuration | |
├─├─resolution | 07 | String | No | Resolution |
├─├─frameRate | 30 | String | No | Frame Rate |
├─├─bitrate | 2000 | String | No | Bitrate |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object[] | ||
├─roomToken | 001j7Tb2jAyAzR6UtLv3cgclCFhw6Q== | String | Token |
├─roomCode | AC22030010181202 | String | Room Number |
├─appId | j7Tb2GcE9rN5oF6xP3A4qwer | String | Application ID |
├─padCode | AC22030010181 | String | Instance ID |
├─signalServer | LnBbVX44uyoN1kXp:P8H01PaGZDHEFD | String | Signaling Address (requires decryption using AES GCM mode) |
├─stuns | pL25iYgaRNmdCYR/:SUJBz4S6HE88GzVN | String | STUN Address (requires decryption using AES GCM mode) |
├─turns | do2k7Z6OiVP1br29:rR4d6Vyk9e | String | TURN Address (requires decryption using AES GCM mode) |
├─msg | connect pad fail | String | Error Message |
Example request
"userId": "202".
"expire": 3600.
"pads": [
"padCode": "AC22010010842".
"videoStream ": {
"resolution": "1",
"frameRate": "30",
"bitrate": "2000"
"padCode": "AC22030010181".
"videoStream ": {
"resolution": "1",
"frameRate": "30",
"bitrate": "2000"
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1721305008916.
"data": [
"roomToken": null,
"roomCode": "AC22010010842202".
"appId": "j7Tb2GcE9rN5oF6xP3A4qwer", "label".
"streamType": 2,
"videoCodec": "",
"reportSdkLog": false,
"padCode": "AC22010010842".
"msg": "connect pad fail",
"signalServer": null,
"stuns": null,
"turns": null
"roomToken": " 001j7Tb2GcE9rN5oF6xP3A4qwerNwDyCHIRtQrGxZABAAC1ZuzKkAEAABAAQUMyMjAzMDAxMDE4MTIwMgMAMjAyAQAEALVm7MqQAQAAIABpLvj5zX3dnyN/ 8UvRsLJnHWA4zR6UtLv3cgclCFhw6Q==",
"roomCode": "AC22030010181202".
"appId": "j7Tb2GcE9rN5oF6xP3A4qwer", "label".
"streamType": 2,
"videoCodec": "",
"reportSdkLog": false,
"padCode": "AC22030010181".
"msg": null,
"signalServer": "LnBbVX44uyoN1kXp:P8H01PaGZDHEFDsnU6nRCbOFzvL2smbG9HxKh+XP5WHC", "label".
"stuns": "pL25iYgaRNmdCYR/:SUJBz4S6HE88GzVN8rANlfL9925iaHW+ilJAaWldPpoBKqwoEq0Ggon0HhDc4a6v0pg=",
"turns": "do2k7Z6OiVP1br29:rR4d6Vyk9efIFX6qPPMyKs7OhmxFA7xBr65P8NA/Rxb31Js6VOaO3Zrtd3h9uM/". mNYUy5mJOQ4j8TJ8DjfBFaEHVNOAcF5tzgbg8iksGhNONfv8hHw=="
Error code
Error Codes | Error Descriptions | Operating Suggestions |
120005 | Instance does not exist | Please check if the instance number is correct |
120007 | This interface does not support this feature at the moment | Contact the relevant personnel to change the push flow configuration |
Physical machine reboot
Power down and restart the physical machine.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required | Parameter Description |
deviceIps | String[] | Yes | ||
├─ | | String | Yes | Physical Device IP |
type | 2 | String[] | Yes | Restart Type: 2 - Power Cycle Restart |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object[] | ||
├─ taskId | 1 | Integer | Task ID |
├─ deviceIp | | String | Physical Device IP |
├─ errorMsg | "" | String | Reason for failure |
├─ deviceOutCode | AC22030010000 | String | Cloud Machine ID |
Example request
"deviceIps": [
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1713773577581.
"data": [
"taskId": 1,
"deviceIp": "",
"errorMsg": null,
"deviceOutCode": "AC22030010000"
Error code
Error Code | Error Description | Recommendations |
110030 | Failed to execute power restart command, parameter request is not compliant | Parameter request is not compliant |
110032 | Physical IP does not exist | Please check if the physical device IP is correct. |
110033 | Failed to execute the power failure restart command | Contact the appropriate person. |
Binding of public IPs
Example Binding Specified Public IP
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required | Parameter Description |
publicIP | | String | Yes | Public IP to be bound |
padIP | | String | Yes | Instance IP |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object |
Example request
"publicIP": "",
"padIP": ""
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1717570337023.
"data": {}
Unbundling of public IPs
Example unbinding information bound via the Bind Public IP
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Is Required | Parameter Description |
publicIP | | String | Yes | Public IP to be bound |
padIP | | String | Yes | Instance IP |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object |
Example request
"publicIP": "",
"padIP": ""
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1717570337023.
"data": {}
Request for RTC shared room token
Used to implement multiple instances in a room, the instances receive the room broadcast message for processing and implementation of obtaining the public flow
Room number generation rule: timer + userId + paas userId e.g. terimer = pc, userId = 123, paas userId = qwer
Room number: pc123qwer
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Is Required | Parameter Description |
userId | 202 | String | Yes | Business user ID of the caller |
terminal | pc | String | Yes | Terminal |
expire | 3600 | Integer | No | Token validity period in seconds. Default is 1 hour |
pushPublicStream | true | Boolean | No | Whether to push public stream (default is false) |
pads | Array | Yes | List of instances to join the shared room | |
├─padCode | AC22010010842 | String | Yes | Instance ID |
├─├─videoStream | Object | No | Streaming configuration | |
├─├─├─videoStream | 1 | String | No | |
├─├─├─frameRate | 30 | String | No | |
├─├─├─bitrate | 2000 | String | No |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object | ||
├─roomToken | 00165b749e52467a4016f050b8cQQBjDJKuTAb | String | Room Token |
├─roomCode | android_12345 | String | Room Number |
├─appId | 65b749e52467a4016f050b8c | String | Application ID |
Example request
"userId": "202".
"terminal": "pc".
"expire": 3600.
"pushPublicStream": true,
"pads": [
"padCode": "AC22010010842".
"videoStream": {
"resolution": "1",
"frameRate": "30",
"bitrate": "2000"
"padCode": "AC22030010181".
"videoStream": {
"resolution": "1",
"frameRate": "30",
"bitrate": "2000"
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": null,
"data": {
"roomCode": "android_12345",
"appId": "65b749e52467a4016f050b8c"
Modify instance time zone
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Is Required | Parameter Description |
timeZone | Asia/Shanghai | String | Yes | UTC Standard Time |
padCodes | Array | Yes | List of Instances |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object | ||
├─taskId | 24 | Long | Task ID |
├─padCode | AC22030010001 | String | Room Number |
├─vmStatus | Instance Status | Integer | Instance Online Status (0: Offline; 1: Online) |
Example request
"padCodes": [
"timeZone": "Asia/Shanghai"
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1717570663080.
"data": [
"taskId": 24,
"padCode": "AC32010140003",
"vmStatus": 1
Modify instance language
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Is Required | Parameter Description |
language | zh | String | Yes | Language |
country | CN | String | No | Country |
padCodes | Array | Yes | List of Instances |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object | ||
├─taskId | 24 | Long | Task ID |
├─padCode | AC22030010001 | String | Room Number |
├─vmStatus | Instance Status | Integer | Instance Online Status (0: Offline; 1: Online) |
Example request
"padCodes": [
"language": "zh",
"country": ""
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1717570663080.
"data": [
"taskId": 24,
"padCode": "AC32010140026",
"vmStatus": 1
Modification of instance SIM card information
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Is Required | Parameter Description |
imei | 868034031518269 | String | No | IMEI Number |
imeisv | 00 | String | No | IMEI Version Number |
meid | A0000082C65F6C | String | No | Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID) |
operatorLongname | CHINA MOBILE | String | No | Full Name of the Operator |
operatorShortname | CMSS | String | No | Short Name of the Operator |
operatorNumeric | 455555 | String | No | Network Operator ID (MCCMNC) |
spn | China | String | No | SIM Card Operator Name |
iccid | 89860002191807255576 | String | No | SIM Card Number |
imsi | 460074008004488 | String | No | Prefix for SIM Card Operator Number: MCC (3 digits) + MNC (2 or 3 digits) |
phonenum | 18574771704 | String | No | Phone Number |
mcc | 502 | String | No | Network country |
mnc | 146 | String | No | Mobile device network code |
padCodes | Array | Yes | List of Instances |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object | ||
├─taskId | 24 | Long | Task ID |
├─padCode | AC22030010001 | String | Room Number |
├─vmStatus | Instance Status | Integer | Instance Online Status (0: Offline; 1: Online) |
Example request
"padCodes": ["AC32010230011"],
"imei": "868034031518269",
"imeisv": "00",
"meid": "A0000082C65F6C",
"operatorLongname": "CHINA MOBILE",
"operatorShortnam": "CMSS",
"operatorNumeric": "455555",
"spn": "China",
"iccid": "89860002191807255576",
"imsi": "460074008004488",
"phonenum": "861234566",
"netCountry": "US",
"simCountry": "US",
"type": "9",
"mcc": "502",
"mnc": "146",
"tac": "871420",
"cellid": "870091003",
"narfcn": "99240",
"physicalcellid": "6C"
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1717570663080.
"data": [
"taskId": 24,
"padCode": "AC32010140033",
"vmStatus": 1
Set instance latitude and longitude
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Is Required | Parameter Description |
longitude | 116.397455 | Float | Yes | Latitude |
latitude | 39.909187 | Float | Yes | Longitude |
padCodes | Array | Yes | List of Instances |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object | ||
├─taskId | 24 | Long | Task ID |
├─padCode | AC22030010001 | String | Room Number |
├─vmStatus | Instance Status | Integer | Instance Online Status (0: Offline; 1: Online) |
Example request
"padCodes": [
"longitude": 116.397455.
"latitude": 39.909187
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1717570663080.
"data": [
"taskId": 24,
"padCode": "AC32010030001",
"vmStatus": 1
Query instance agent information
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Values | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
padCodes | Array | Yes | List of instances |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Sample Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | status code |
msg | success | String | response message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | timestamp |
data | Object | ||
├─taskId | 24 | Long | Task ID |
├─padCode | AC22030010001 | String | Room Number |
├─vmStatus | Instance Status | Integer | Instance Online Status (0: offline; 1: online) |
Example request
"padCodes": [
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1726742932284.
"data": [
"taskId": 3612,
"padCode": "AC32010140012",
"vmStatus": 1
Modify Instance Android Attributes
props field description: this field is a key-value definition.
Interface address
Request method
Request data type
Request Body Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
padCode | AC32010210001 | String | no | instance id |
restart | false | Boolean | No | Automatically restart when setup is complete (default false) |
props | {} | Object | Yes | System Properties |
├─ | OP52D1L1 | String | Yes | Property Settings |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object | String | |
├─taskId | 24 | Long | Task id |
├─padCode | AC32010210001 | String | instance id |
Example request
"padCode": "AC32010210001",
"props": {
"": "OP52D1L1"
}, "restart": false
"restart": false
Response Example
"code": 200,
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1730192434383,
"data": {
"taskId": 11,
"padCode": "AC32010210001"
One Click New Machine
Note: One Click New Machine will erase all system data. Please use with caution!
One click new machine function, will be the current instance of data all clear, and reset Android properties!
- Virtual machine directly set Android properties, and then clear all the data.
- Cloud machine directly clear all the data (equivalent to reset)
**Interface address **
Request Method > POST
Request data type > application/json
**Request Body Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
padCode | [] | Arr | Yes | list of instance ids |
countryCode | SG | String | no | country code(Country code (look specifically at: |
Response Parameters
Parameter name | Example value | Parameter type | Parameter description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status code |
msg | success | String | Response message |
ts | 1721739857317 | Long | Timestamps |
data | Object | ||
├─taskId | 12818 | Long | TaskId |
├─padCode | AC22030010124 | String | Instance Number |
├─vmStatus | 2 | Intger | Instance Status |
{ "padCodes": [
Example of response
"code": 200,
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1732270378320,
"data": {
"taskId": 8405,
"padCode": "AC32010030001",
"vmStatus": 2
Modify Contacts
One of the fileUniqueId and info fields is required.
**Interface address **
Request Method > POST
Request data type > application/json
**Request Body Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
padCodes | [] | Arr | 是 | padCodes |
fileUniqueId | cfca25a2c62b00e065b417491b0cf07ffc | String | No | fileUniqueId |
info | {} | Object | No | info |
├─firstName | tom | String | No | firstName |
├─phone | 13111111111 | String | No | phone | | String | No |
Response Parameters
Parameter name | Example value | Parameter type | Parameter description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status code |
msg | success | String | Response message |
ts | 1721739857317 | Long | Timestamps |
data | Object | ||
├─taskId | 12818 | Long | TaskId |
├─padCode | AC22030010124 | String | Instance Number |
"fileUniqueId": "cfca25a2c62b00e065b417491b0cf07ffc",
"info": {
"firstName": "tom",
"phone": "13111111111",
"email": ""
"padCodes": [
** Example of response **
"code": 200,
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1730192434383,
"data": {
"taskId": 11,
"padCode": "AC32010210001",
"vmStatus": 0
Instance of setting up a proxy
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Values | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
account | 2222 | String | no | account |
password | 2222 | String | no | password |
ip | | String | no | ip |
port | 2222 | Integer | no | port |
enable | true | Boolean | yes | enable |
padCodes | Array | Yes | List of instances | |
proxyType | vpn | String | no | Support parameters:proxy、vpn |
proxyName | socks5 | String | no | Support parameters:socks5、http-relay |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Sample Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | status code |
msg | success | String | response message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | timestamp |
data | Object | ||
├─taskId | 24 | Long | Task ID |
├─padCode | AC22030010001 | String | Room Number |
├─vmStatus | Instance Status | Integer | Instance Online Status (0: offline; 1: online) |
Example request
"padCodes": [
"account": "2222",
"password": "2222",
"ip": "",
"port": 2222.
"enable": true
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1717570663080.
"data": [
"taskId": 24,
"padCode": "AC32010140023",
"vmStatus": 1
Server Configuration
Query the list of types supported by the server
interface address
request method
Request data type
response parameter
parameter name | example value | Parameter type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | |
msg | success | String | |
ts | 1713773577581 | Long | |
data | Object | ||
├─callbackName | "File Upload Tasks" | String | Callback Type Name |
├─callbackType | "4" | String | Callback Type |
├─id | 14 | Long | ID of the callback type (subsequent new modifications need to pass in this parameter) |
Example of a request
Response Example
"code": 200,
"data": [
"callbackName": "interface address test",
"callbackType": "4",
"id": 14
"callbackName": "interface address local",
"callbackType": "5",
"id": 15
"callbackName": "interface address",
"callbackType": "6",
"id": 16
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1734500966127
Query the current user-configured callback address
interface address
request method
Request data type
response parameter
parameter name | example value | Parameter type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | |
msg | success | String | |
ts | 1713773577581 | Long | |
data | | String | Configured Corresponding Address |
Example of a request
Response Example
Add callback address configuration
interface address
request method
Request data type
Request Query Parameters
parameter name | example value | Parameter type | Required or not | Parameter Description |
callbackIdList | [1,2,3] | Integer[] | be | A collection of callback type IDs (obtained from the type list interface of the query server support configuration) |
├─callbackUrl | | String | be | Receive task callback configuration URL |
response parameter
parameter name | example value | Parameter type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | |
msg | success | String | |
ts | 1713773577581 | Long | |
data | 2 | String | Configure the number of successful types |
Example of a request
Sample response
Modify the callback address configuration
interface address
request method
Request data type
Request Query Parameters
parameter name | example value | Parameter type | Required or not | Parameter Description |
callbackIdList | [1,2,3] | Integer[] | be | A collection of callback type IDs (obtained from the type list interface of the query server support configuration) |
├─callbackUrl | | String | be | Receive task callback configuration URL |
response parameter
parameter name | example value | Parameter type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | |
msg | success | String | |
ts | 1713773577581 | Long | |
data | 2 | String |
Example of a request
Response Example
Delete the current user-configured callback address
interface address
request method
Request data type
response parameter
parameter name | example value | Parameter type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | |
msg | success | String | |
ts | 1713773577581 | Long | |
data | 4 | Long |
Example of a request
Response Example
Instance manipulation
Asynchronous execution of ADB commands
Execute commands asynchronously in one or more cloud phone instances
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required or Not Required | Parameter Description |
padCodes | String[] | yes | ||
├─ | AC22020020793 | String | Yes | Instance Number |
scriptContent | cd /root;ls | String | Yes | ADB commands, multiple commands separated by semicolons |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamps |
data | Object[] | ||
├─taskId | 1 | Integer | TaskId |
├─padCode | AC22020020793 | String | Instance Number |
├─vmStatus | 1 | Integer | instance online status (0: offline; 1: online) |
Example request
"padCodes": [
"scriptContent": "cd /root;ls"
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1717570297639.
"data": [
"taskId": 14,
"padCode": "AC22030010001",
"vmStatus": 1
"taskId": 15,
"padCode": "AC22030010002".
"vmStatus": 0
Error code
Error Code | Error Description | Recommendations |
110003 | Failed to execute ADB command | Contact administrator |
110012 | Command execution timeout | Please try again later. |
Synchronised execution of ADB commands
Synchronise command execution across one or more cloud phone instances
If no response is received for more than 5 seconds, a timeout exception is returned.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
padCode | AC22020020793 | String | Yes | Instance ID |
scriptContent | cd /root;ls | String | Yes | ADB commands, multiple commands separated by semicolon |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamps |
data | Object[] | ||
├─taskId | 1 | Integer | TaskId |
├─padCode | AC22020020793 | String | Instance Number |
├─taskStatus | 3 | Integer | Task Status (-1: total failure; -2: partial failure; -3: cancelled; -4: timeout; 1: pending; 2: execution in progress; 3: complete) |
├─taskResult | Success | String | Task Result |
Example request
"padCode": "VP21020010231".
"scriptContent": "cd /root/nbin;ls"
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"taskId": 1,
"padCode": "AC22020020793".
"taskResult": "Success"
Error code
Error Code | Error Description | Recommendations |
110003 | Failed to execute ADB command | Please try again later. |
110012 | Command execution timeout | Please try again later. |
local screenshot
Instance screenshot.
Interface URL
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Values | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
padCodes | String[] | yes | ||
├─ | AC21020010231 | String | Yes | Instance number |
rotation | 0 | Integer | Yes | Screenshot Screen Horizontal and Vertical Screen Rotation: 0: the direction of the screenshot is not processed, the default; 1: when the screenshot screen is rotated to vertical: a: the screenshot of the mobile phone's vertical screen is not processed. b: the screenshot of the mobile phone's horizontal screen, the screenshot is rotated 90 degrees clockwise. |
broadcast | false | Boolean | No | Whether or not the event is broadcast (default false) |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Yes | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Yes | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Yes | Timestamps |
data | Object[] | |||
├─taskId | 1 | Integer | No | TaskId |
├─padCode | AC21020010231 | String | No | Instance Number |
├─vmStatus | 1 | Integer | Yes | instance online status (0: offline; 1: online) |
Example request
"padCodes": [
"rotation": 0,
"broadcast": false
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1717570337023.
"data": [
"taskId": 16,
"padCode": "AC22030010001",
"vmStatus": 1
"taskId": 17,
"padCode": "AC22030010002".
"vmStatus": 0
Error code
Error Code | Error Description | Recommendations |
110001 | Screenshot Failed | Please try again. |
110004 | Failed to execute reboot command | Reboot again later |
110028 | Instance does not exist | Please check if the instance exists. |
Generation of preview image
The specified instance gets the preview image.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Values | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
padCodes | String[] | yes | ||
├─ | AC11010000031 | String | Yes | Instance Number |
rotation | 0 | Integer | Yes | Screenshot Screen Horizontal and Vertical Screen Rotation: 0: the direction of the screenshot is not processed, the default; 1: when the screenshot screen is rotated to vertical: a: the screenshot of the mobile phone's vertical screen is not processed. b: the screenshot of the mobile phone's horizontal screen, the screenshot is rotated 90 degrees clockwise. |
broadcast | false | Boolean | No | Whether the event is broadcast (default false) |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamps |
data | Object[] | ||
├─padCode | AC11010000031 | String | Instance Number |
├─accessUrl | http://xxx.armcloud.png | String | access address |
Example request
"padCodes": [
"rotation": 0,
"broadcast": false
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"data": [
"padCode": "AC11010000031".
"accessUrl": "http://xxx.armcloud.png"
File Upload
Performing file upload operations
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Is Required | Parameter Description |
fileUrl | http://xxx.armcloud.apk | String | Yes | File download address |
fileName | test.apk | String | Yes | File name |
fileMd5 | 32e1f345f209a7dc1cc704913ea436d3 | String | Yes | Expected MD5 of the file, used for download file verification (max length: 32) |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status code |
msg | success | String | Response message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object[] | ||
├─taskId | 1 | Integer | Task ID |
├─fileUniqueId | 6865b417b7257d782afd5ac8bee4d311 | String | Unique identifier for the file |
Example request
"fileUrl": "",
"fileName": "Peachland Depths With Family Game Official Version.apk",
"fileSha256": "c52585e13a67e13128d9963b2f20f69678a86ee8b5551ca593327d329719a5"
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1713773577581.
"data": {
"fileUniqueId": "6865b417b7257d782afd5ac8bee4d311"
List of documents
Query the list of uploaded files
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Is Required | Parameter Description |
page | 1 | Integer | Yes | Starting page, default is 1 |
rows | 10 | Integer | Yes | Number of records to query, default is 10 |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status code |
msg | success | String | Response message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object | ||
├─page | 1 | Integer | Current page |
├─rows | 10 | Integer | Number of records per page |
├─size | 2 | Integer | Number of records on the current page |
├─total | 2 | Integer | Total number of records |
├─totalPage | 1 | Integer | Total number of pages |
├─pageData | Object[] | List of records | |
├─├─fileUniqueId | c417cdf30cd13437a60a494f2fcee616 | String | Unique identifier for the file |
├─├─fileName | 15b18072b01049dfa30da046aaf5b213.apk | String | File name |
├─├─fileMd5 | 49f526ec07f261ef6c22081fd61fb6b2836b84214ab6f4620e89d2f2d454253 | String | File content value |
├─├─fileSize | 165936779 | Integer | File size (in bytes) |
├─├─originUrl | https://xxx.armcloud.apk | String | Original file address |
├─├─createTime | 1713884498000 | Long | Creation time |
Example request
"page": 1,
"rows": 10
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"page": 1,
"rows": 10,
"size": 2,
"total": 2,
"totalPage": 1,
"pageData": [
"fileUniqueId": "c417cdf30cd13437a60a494f2fcee616",
"fileName": "15b18072b01049dfa30da046aaf5b213.apk",
"fileMd5": "49f526ec07f261ef6c22081fd61fb6b2836b84214ab6f4620e89d2f2d454253",
"fileSize": 165936779.
"originUrl": "https://xxx.armcloud.apk",
"createTime": 1713884498000
"uniqueId": "417996c783c70b946675b55a138b1bff",
"name": "10043132_com.tencent.fiftyone.yc.apk",
"sha256": "86f3dc7bf26219f56f3cdb51d787af3c165533ad1c70856a27c5d2a3a6b7647f",
"size": 1091941761.
"originUrl": "https://xxx.armcloud.apk",
"createTime": 1713879614000
Instance file upload
Push files from the File Management Centre to one or more cloud phone instances (asynchronous task)
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
padCodes | String[] | yes | ||
├─ | AC22030023061 | String | Yes | Instance Number |
autoInstall | 1 | Integer | No | Whether autoinstall is required 1 required, 0 not required. 0 is not required. Leave this field blank to indicate that it is not required. Only for apk-type files. |
fileUniqueId | 1e5d3bf00576ee8f3d094908c0456722 | String | Yes | File id unique identifier. |
customizeFilePath | /Documents/ | String | No | Customise the path. Not mandatory, must start with /. |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamps |
data | Object[] | ||
├─padCode | AC22010020062 | String | Instance Number |
├─taskId | 1 | Integer | TaskId |
├─vmStatus | 1 | Integer | instance online status (0: offline; 1: online) |
Example request
"padCodes": [
"autoInstall": 1,
"fileUniqueId": "1e5d3bf00576ee8f3d094908c0456722",
"customizeFilePath": "/Documents/"
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1717571059834.
"data": [
"taskId": 39.
"padCode": "AC22030010001",
"vmStatus": 1
Error code
Error Code | Error Description | Recommendations |
140006 | Incorrect file storage path | Custom paths must begin with /. |
140005 | File not available | File path is empty |
110006 | Download Failed | File Path Cannot Be Downloaded |
upgraded mirror
Batch Instance Image Upgrade
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
padCodes | String[] | yes | ||
├─ | AC22030010182 | String | Yes | Instance Number |
imageId | mg-24061124017 | String | Yes | ImageId |
wipeData | false | Boolean | Yes | whether to wipe the instance data (data partition), true clears, false does not clear |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamps |
data | Object[] | ||
├─padCode | AC22030010182 | String | Instance Number |
├─taskId | 1 | Integer | TaskId |
├─errorMsg | "" | String | Error Message |
Example request
"padCodes": [
"wipeData": false,
"imageId": "mg-24061124017"
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1718594881432.
"data": [
"taskId": 63.
"padCode": "AC22030010182".
"errorMsg": null
Error code
Error Code | Error Description | Recommendations |
110041 | Mirror does not exist | Mirror id passed incorrectly |
110037 | Failed to execute upgrade image command | Instance state is wrong, contact administrator |
110038 | Failed to execute upgrade image command | Incorrect instance status, contact administrator |
Batch access to instance model information
Get the model information of the corresponding instance in bulk based on the instance number.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
padCodes | String[] | yes | ||
├─ | AC22030010182 | String | Yes | Instance Number |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamps |
data | Object[] | ||
├─padCode | AC22030010182 | String | Instance Number |
├─imei | 524803173613682 | String | IMEI |
├─serialno | 01NM5ON34M4O | String | Serial Number |
├─wifimac | 04:3a:6c:e5:e9:8d:62:d6:4a | String | Wi-Fi's mac address |
├─androidid | aa6bcedf1426546c | String | Android instance unique identifier |
├─model | Mi 10 Pro | String | Models |
├─Brand | Xiaomi | String | Brands |
├─manufacturer | Xiaomi | String | Manufacturer |
├─isRoot | 1 | String | Whether or not it is ROOT privilege |
├─width | 720 | Integer | The width of the cloud phone Maximum 1080 |
├─height | 1280 | Integer | Height of cloud phone Maximum 1920 |
├─memoryLimit | 1024 | Integer | Memory Limit |
Example request
"padCodes": [
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1756021167163.
"data": [
"padCode": "AC22030010182".
"imei": "524803173613682",
"serialno": "01NM5ON34M4O",
"wifimac": "04:3a:6c:e5:e9:8d:62:d6:4a",
"androidid": "aa6bcedf1426546c",
"model": "Mi 10 Pro".
"brand": "Xiaomi",
"manufacturer": "Xiaomi",
"isRoot": "1",
"width": 720,
"height": 1280.
"memoryLimit": 1024
Add application blacklist list
Add application blacklists based on instance specifications.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
padGrade | q2-1 | String | Yes | Instance Specification |
blackApps | Object[] | Yes | BlackListList | |
├─appPkg | | String | Yes | App Package Name |
├─appName | x8 Sandbox | String | Yes | Application Name |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1721647657112 | Long | Timestamps |
data | "" | String |
Example request
"padGrade": "q2-1".
"blackApps": [
"appPkg": "",
"appName": "x8 Sandbox"
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1721647657112.
"data": null
Set instance blacklist
Set up instance blacklists based on instance specifications.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
padGrade | q2-1 | String | Yes | Instance Specification |
padCodes | String[] | No | ||
├─ | AC22030010124 | String | No | Instance No. |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1721739857317 | Long | Timestamps |
data | Object[] | ||
├─taskId | 12818 | Integer | TaskId |
├─padCode | AC22030010124 | String | Instance Number |
├─vmStatus | 1 | Integer | instance online status (0: offline; 1: online) |
Example request
"padGrade": "q2-4".
"padCodes": [
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1721739857317.
"data": [
"taskId": 12818,
"padCode": "AC22030010124".
"vmStatus": 1
Error code
Error Code | Error Description | Recommendations |
110051 | No application blacklist configuration exists for this specification | need to add specification application blacklist list |
110028 | Instance doesn't exist | Passed parameter incorrectly |
110052 | Failed to execute Set Application Blacklist command | Please try again. |
Set instance bandwidth
Set the instance bandwidth according to the instance number.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
padCodes | String[] | yes | ||
├─ | AC22030010124 | String | Yes | Instance Number |
upBandwidth | 10.00 | float | yes | upBandwidth Mbps (0: no restriction; -1: restriction of internet access) |
downBandwidth | 10.00 | float | yes | downBandwidth Mbps (0: no restriction; -1: restriction of Internet access) |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1721739857317 | Long | Timestamps |
data | Object[] | ||
├─taskId | 679 | Integer | TaskId |
├─padCode | AC32010140011 | String | Instance Number |
├─vmStatus | 1 | Integer | instance online status (0: offline; 1: online) |
Example request
"padCodes": [
"upBandwidth": 10.00,
"downBandwidth": 10.00
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1721640654237.
"data": [
"taskId": 679.
"padCode": "AC32010140011",
"vmStatus": 1
Enable/Disable ADB
Enable or disable ADB for an instance based on its instance ID.
API Endpoint
Request Method
Request Content Type
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Example | Type | Required | Description |
padCodes | AC22030010124 | String | Yes | Instance ID |
enable | true | boolean | Yes | true - enable, false - disable |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Example | Type | Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status code |
msg | success | String | Response message |
ts | 1721739857317 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object[] | ||
├─padCode | AC32010140011 | String | Instance ID |
├─command | adb connect ip:port | String | ADB connection info |
├─expireTime | 2024-10-24 10:42:00 | String | Connection expiration |
├─enable | true | boolean | ADB status |
Request Example
"padCode": "AC22030010001",
"enable": true
Response Example
"code": 200,
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1729651701083,
"data": {
"padCode": "AC32010161274",
"command": "adb connect ip:port",
"expireTime": "2024-10-24 10:42:00",
"enable": true
Resource management-related interfaces
Information on the list of instances
Paging to get instance list information based on query criteria.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Is Required | Parameter Description |
page | 1 | Integer | Yes | Page number |
rows | 10 | Integer | Yes | Number of records |
padCodes | String[] | No | ||
├─ | AC22010020062 | String | Yes | Instance number |
groupIds | Integer[] | No | ||
├─ | 1 | Integer | No | Instance group ID |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | |
msg | success | String | |
ts | 1713773577581 | Long | |
data | Object | ||
├─page | 1 | Integer | Current page |
├─rows | 10 | Integer | Number of records per page |
├─size | 1 | Integer | Number of records on the current page |
├─total | 1 | Integer | Total number of records |
├─totalPage | 1 | Integer | Total number of pages |
├─pageData | Object[] | List of records | |
├─├─padCode | VP21020010391 | String | Instance number |
├─├─padGrade | q1-2 | String | Instance opening (q1-6 for six openings, q1-2 for two openings) |
├─├─padStatus | 10 | String | Instance status (10-running, 11-restarting, 12-resetting, 13-upgrading, 14-abnormal, 15-not ready) |
├─├─groupId | 0 | Integer | Group ID |
├─├─idcCode | d3c1f580c41525e514330a85dfdecda8 | String | Data center code |
├─├─deviceIp | | String | Cloud machine IP |
├─├─padIp | | String | Instance IP |
├─├─apps | String[] | List of installed applications | |
├─├─├─ | armcloud001 | String | Installed application |
Example request
"page": 1,
"rows": 10,
"padCodes": [
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"page": 1,
"rows": 1,
"size": 1,
"total": 1.
"totalPage": 1,
"pageData": [
"padCode": "AC21020010391".
"padGrade": "q2-4".
"padStatus": 10,
"groupId": 0,
"idcCode": "8e61ad284bc105b877611e6fef7bdd17",
"deviceIp": "",
"padIp": "",
"apps": [
List of Example Groupings
Get a list of all instances grouped by the user (including: group ID, group name, number of instances under the group). Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
padCode | AC21020010391 | String | No | Instance No. |
groupIds | Integer[] | No | ||
├── | 1 | Integer | No | Grouping ID |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamps |
data | Object[] | ||
├─groupId | 1 | Integer | GroupId |
├─groupName | Group1 | String | Group Name |
├─padCount | 1 | Integer | Number of instances under the grouping |
Example request
"padCode": "AC21020010391".
"groupIds": [1]
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"data": [
"groupId": 1,
"groupName": "Grouping One",
"padCount": 1
Get information on specified public network bindings
Query the IP address information of the specified public IP binding Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Values | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
publicIP | | String | Yes | public IP |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Sample Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | status code |
msg | success | String | response message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | timestamp |
data | Object[] | ||
├─ipAddresses | [""] | String[] | Bound IP Addresses |
Example request
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1717570337023.
"data": {
"ipAddresses": [
Application management
Application upload
Upload application installation files to the Application Management Centre of the specified business (asynchronous task).
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Is Required | Parameter Description |
parse | true | Boolean | Yes | Whether to cache and parse (parse and cache). If parsed, package information is not required. |
apps | Object[] | Yes | List of applications | |
├─ appId | 1243 | Integer | No | Custom application ID |
├─ url | https://xxx.armcloud.apk | String | Yes | Source file download address |
├─ appName | kuaishou | String | No | Application name |
├─ pkgName | | String | No | Package name |
├─ signMd5 | 0F938C4F0995A83C9BF31F0C64322589 | String | No | Application signature MD5 |
├─ versionNo | 36000 | Integer | No | Version number |
├─ versionName | | String | No | Version name |
├─ description | kuai | String | No | Description |
├─ md5sum | e673a204b8f18a0f6482da9998 | String | No | Unique identifier for the application |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status code |
msg | success | String | Response message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object[] | ||
├─ taskId | 12 | Integer | Task ID |
├─ appId | 1243 | Integer | Application ID |
Example request
"parse": true,
"apps": [
"appId": 1243.
"appName": "kuaishou",
"url": "https://xxx.armcloud.apk",
"pkgName": "",
"signMd5": "0F938C4F0995A83C9BF31F0C64322589",
"versionNo": 36000.
"versionName": "",
"description": "kuai".
"md5sum": "e673a204b8f18a0f6482da9998"
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"data": [
"taskId": 12,
"appId": 1243
Error code
Error Code | Error Description | Recommendations |
100001 | No access | No server room ordered |
Application List
The list of application information can be queried according to the application ID.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request for Query parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Is Required | Parameter Description |
page | 1 | Integer | Yes | Starting page, default is 1 |
rows | 10 | Integer | Yes | Number of records to query, default is 10 |
appIds | Integer[] | No | Application IDs |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status code |
msg | success | String | Response message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
pageData | Object | ||
├─ page | 1 | Integer | Current page |
├─ rows | 10 | Integer | Number of items displayed per page |
├─ size | 10 | Integer | Number of items in the current page |
├─ total | 2 | Integer | Total number of items |
├─ totalPage | 1 | Integer | Total number of pages |
├─ pageData | Object[] | ||
├─ ├─ originUrl | downloadUrl_tr0bi | String | Original download URL |
├─ ├─ appId | dwadawdf | Integer | Custom application ID |
├─ ├─ description | description_1cq3m | String | Description |
├─ ├─ packageName | packageName_e6lw8 | String | Package name |
├─ ├─ appName | appName_o4mhn | String | Application name |
├─ ├─ versionName | versionName_s4o2i | String | Version name |
├─ ├─ versionNo | 1 | Integer | Version number |
├─ ├─ signMd5 | 0F938C4F0995A83C9BF31F0C64322589 | String | MD5 checksum |
├─ ├─ available | true | Boolean | Indicates if the current file is available |
├─ ├─ createTime | 1709895492000 | Integer | Creation time |
Example request
"rows": 10,
"page": 1,
"appIds": [
1, 2
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"page": 1,
"rows": 10,
"size": 10,
"total": 30.
"totalPage": 3,
"pageData": [
"originUrl": "downloadUrl_tr0bi",
"appId": 1,
"description": "description_1cq3m".
"packageName": "packageName_e6lw8",
"appName": "appName_o4mhn".
"versionName": "versionName_s4o2i".
"versionNo": 1.
"signMd5": "0F938C4F0995A83C9BF31F0C64322589",
"available": true,
"createTime": 1709895492000
"originUrl": "downloadUrl_xh9ig",
"appId": 2,
"description": "description_9j663".
"packageName": "packageName_o7t9j",
"appName": "appName_szxpe",
"versionName": "versionName_hwio7",
"versionNo": 1.
"signMd5": "0F938C4F0995A83C9BF31F0C64322587",
"available": true,
"createTime": 1710479133000
Application details
Querying Application Installations on a Specified Instance
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request for Query parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
appId | 1 | Integer | Yes | appid |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamps |
data | Object | ||
├─appId | 1 | Integer | application id |
├─originUrl | | String | Original file download address |
├─description | test | String | Custom Description |
├─packageName | | String | Package Name |
├─appName | test | String | Application Name |
├─versionName | 1.0.1 | String | Version Name |
├─versionNo | 124511 | Integer | versionNo |
├─signMd5 | 0F938C4F0995A83C9BF31F0C64322589 | String | signature md5 |
├─createTime | 1711595044000 | Integer | File Creation Time |
Example request
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"appId": 1,
"originUrl": "",
"customizeFileId": "customiseId_v5o26",
"description": "test",
"packageName": "",
"appName": "test",
"versionName": "1.0.1",
"versionNo": 124511.
"signMd5": "0F938C4F0995A83C9BF31F0C64322589",
"createTime": 1711595044000
Query Instance application list
Querying the list of uploaded files
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
padCodes | String[] | No | ||
├─ | AC22010020062 | String | Yes | Instance Number |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamps |
data | Object[] | ||
├─taskId | 1 | Integer | TaskId |
├─padCode | AC22010020062 | String | Instance Number |
├─vmStatus | 1 | Integer | instance online status (0: offline; 1: online) |
Example request
"padCodes": [
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1717570838398.
"data": [
"taskId": 31,
"padCode": "AC22030010001",
"vmStatus": 1
"taskId": 32,
"padCode": "AC22030010002".
"vmStatus": 0
Error code
Error Code | Error Description | Recommendations |
100010 | Processing Failed | Please reinstall. |
Application Installation
Installs a single or multiple apps simultaneously for a single or multiple instances. this interface operates asynchronously.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
apps | Object[] | Yes | Apps List | |
├─appId | 124 | Integer | Yes | appId |
├─appName | Hulu Man | String | Yes | App Name |
├─pkgName | com.huluxia.gametools | String | Yes | Application Package Name |
├─PadCodes | String[] | Yes | ||
├─── | AC22010020062 | String | Yes | Instance No. |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamps |
data | Object[] | ||
├─taskId | 1 | Integer | TaskId |
├─padCode | AC22010020062 | String | Instance Number |
├─vmStatus | 1 | Integer | instance online status (0: offline; 1: online) |
Example request
"appName": "hulu".
"pkgName": "com.huluxia.gametools",
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1717570991004.
"data": [
"taskId": 37.
"padCode": "AC22030010001",
"vmStatus": 1
"taskId": 38.
"padCode": "AC22030010002".
"vmStatus": 1
Error code
Error Code | Error Description | Recommendations |
140005 | File unavailable | Check if file exists |
Application uninstallation
For single or multiple instances to uninstall single or multiple apps at the same time. this interface operates asynchronously.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Is Required | Parameter Description |
apps | Object[] | Yes | Application list | |
├─ appId | 124 | Integer | Yes | Application ID |
├─ appName | 葫芦侠 (HuluXia) | String | Yes | Application name |
├─ pkgName | com.huluxia.gametools | String | Yes | Application package name |
├─ padCodes | String[] | Yes | ||
├─ ├─ | AC22010020062 | String | Yes | Instance number |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status code |
msg | success | String | Response message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object[] | ||
├─ taskId | 2 | Integer | Task ID |
├─ padCode | AC22010020062 | String | Instance number |
├─ vmStatus | 1 | Integer | Instance online status (0: offline; 1: online) |
Example request
"appName": "demo",
"pkgName": "com.demo",
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1717570615524.
"data": [
"taskId": 22,
"padCode": "AC22030010001",
"vmStatus": 1
"taskId": 23,
"padCode": "AC22030010002".
"vmStatus": 0
Error code
Error Code | Error Description | Recommendations |
110007 | Failed to uninstall application | Try again later |
Application Launch
Performs application startup operations on the instance based on the instance number and application package name.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Values | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
padCodes | String[] | yes | ||
├─ | AC22010020062 | String | Yes | Instance Number |
pkgName | | String | Yes | package name |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamps |
data | Object[] | ||
├─taskId | 1 | Integer | TaskId |
├─padCode | AC22020020793 | String | Instance Number |
├─vmStatus | 1 | Integer | instance online status (0: offline; 1: online) |
Example request
"padCodes": [
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1717570663080.
"data": [
"taskId": 24,
"padCode": "AC22030010001",
"vmStatus": 1
"taskId": 25,
"padCode": "AC22030010002".
"vmStatus": 0
Error code
Error Code | Error Description | Recommendations |
110008 | Failed to launch application | Reboot the cloud and then launch the application again |
Application Stop
Performs an application stop operation on an instance based on the instance number and application package name.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
padCodes | String[] | yes | ||
├─ | AC22010020062 | String | Yes | Instance Number |
pkgName | | String | Yes | Package Name |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamps |
data | Object[] | ||
├─taskId | 1 | Integer | TaskId |
├─padCode | AC22010020062 | String | Instance Number |
├─vmStatus | 1 | Integer | instance online status (0: offline; 1: online) |
Example request
"padCodes": [
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1717570700415.
"data": [
"taskId": 26.
"padCode": "AC22030010001",
"vmStatus": 1
"taskId": 27,
"padCode": "AC22030010002".
"vmStatus": 0
Error code
Error Code | Error Description | Recommendations |
110010 | Failed to stop the application | Restarting the cloud shutdown application |
Application restart
Performs an application restart operation on an instance based on the instance number and application package name.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
padCodes | String[] | yes | ||
├─ | AC22010020062 | String | Yes | Instance Number |
pkgName | | String | Yes | Package Name |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamps |
data | Object[] | ||
├─taskId | 1 | Integer | TaskId |
├─padCode | AC22010020062 | String | Instance Number |
├─vmStatus | 1 | Integer | instance online status (0: offline; 1: online) |
Example request
"padCodes": [
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1717570855874.
"data": [
"taskId": 33.
"padCode": "AC22030010001",
"vmStatus": 1
"taskId": 34,
"padCode": "AC22030010002".
"vmStatus": 0
Error code
Error Code | Error Description | Recommendations |
110009 | Failed to restart the application | Restart the cloud machine and then start the application again |
Mirror management
Create mirror upload task
Create a mirror upload task. (Asynchronous task)
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request for Query parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Is Required | Parameter Description |
imageFiles | Object[] | Yes | ||
├─ imageFileUrl | https://xxxx.xx.xx/image/armcloud_v13.2.1-alpha05.tar | String | Yes | File download address |
├─ imageTag | v13.2.1-alpha05 | String | Yes | Image Tag |
serverType | Cruise10 | String | Yes | SOC type (currently supports: Cruise10) |
romVersion | android10 | String | Yes | AOSP version (currently supports: android10, android13) |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status code |
msg | success | String | Response message |
ts | 1717643679112 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object | ||
├─ imageTaskIds | Object[] | Task list | |
├─ ├─ | 14 | Integer | Task ID |
├─ errorList | Object[] | Failed upload image task information | |
├─ ├─ imageTag | v13.2.1-alpha05 | String | Image Tag |
├─ ├─ errorMessage | Do not submit images repeatedly | String | Error reason |
Example request
"imageFiles": [
"imageFileUrl": "",
"imageTag": "v13.2.1-alpha05"
"serverType": "Cruise10".
"romVersion": "android10.0"
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1718868267973.
"data": {
"imageTaskIds": [
"errorList": [
"imageTag": "v13.2.1-alpha05",
"errorMessage": "Do not submit images repeatedly"
Error code
Error Code | Error Description | Recommendations |
500 | Incorrect request parameter | Please output the passed parameter normally. |
110040 | Account does not exist | Is account incorrect |
110039 | Task add failed | Please try again |
Task management
Documentation Mission Details
Queries detailed information about the execution results of the specified file task.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request for Query parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Is Required | Parameter Description |
taskIds | Integer[] | Yes | ||
├─ taskId | 1 | Integer | Yes | Task ID |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status code |
msg | success | String | Response message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object[] | Task list details | |
├─ taskId | 1 | Integer | Subtask ID |
├─ appId | 134 | Long | Application ID |
├─ fileUniqueId | e2c07491309858c5cade4bfc44c03724 | String | Unique file identifier |
├─ fileName | xx.apk | String | File name |
├─ taskStatus | 2 | Integer | Task status (-1: failed; -2: partially failed; -3: canceled; -4: timeout; 1: pending; 2: in progress; 3: completed) |
├─ endTime | 1713429401000 | Long | Subtask end timestamp |
Example request
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1716283460673.
"data": [
"taskId": 1,
"appId": 134.
"fileUniqueId": "e2c07491309858c5cade4bfc44c03724",
"fileName": "xx.apk",
"taskStatus": 2,
"endTime": 1713429401000
"taskId": 2,
"appId": 135,
"fileUniqueId": "e2c07491309858c5cade4bfc43c03725",
"fileName": "xx.apk",
"taskStatus": 2,
"endTime": 1713429401001
Details of instance operation tasks
Queries detailed information about the execution results of the specified instance operation task.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request for Query parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
taskIds | Integer[] | yes | ||
├─taskId | 1 | Integer | Yes | TaskId |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamps |
data | Object [] | Subtask List Details | |
├─ taskId | 1 | Integer | SubtaskId |
├─ padCode | VP22020020793 | String | Instance Identifier |
├─ taskStatus | 2 | String TODO Type Usage Error | TaskStatus (-1: total failure; -2: partial failure; -3: cancelled; -4: timeout; 1: pending; 2: execution in progress; 3: completed) |
├─ endTime | 1713429401000 | Long | Subtask End Timestamps |
├─ taskContent | "" | String | taskContent |
├─ taskResult | "" | String | Task Result |
├─ errorMsg | "" | String | Error Message |
Example request
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1716283460673.
"data": [
"taskId": 1,
"padCode": "AC22030022441".
"taskStatus": 2,
"endTime": 1713429401000.
"taskContent": null,
"taskResult": null
"taskId": 2,
"padCode": "AC22030022442".
"taskStatus": 2,
"endTime": 1713429401001.
"taskContent": null,
"taskResult": null
List of mandates
Queries list information about instances, applications, and other related tasks.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Is Required | Parameter Description |
type | 1002 | Integer | Yes | Task type (1000: instance restart; 1001: instance reset; 1002: pad execute command; 1003: download application; 1004: application uninstall; 1005: application stop; 1006: application restart; 1007: application start; 1008: local screenshot; 1009: download file; 1010: modify instance properties; 1011: query installed applications; 1012: upgrade image; 1013: application installation; 1014: application cleanup; 2000: upload file; 2001: delete file) |
page | 1 | Integer | Yes | Starting page, default is 1 |
rows | 10 | Integer | Yes | Query quantity, default is 10 |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status code |
msg | success | String | Response message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object | ||
├─ page | 1 | Integer | Current page |
├─ rows | 10 | Integer | Number of items per page |
├─ size | 10 | Integer | Number of items in current page |
├─ total | 30 | Integer | Total quantity |
├─ totalPage | 3 | Integer | Total pages |
├─ pageData | Object[] | ||
├─ ├─ taskBatchId | 9d4b45447172732670c10808d630e454 | String | Batch number |
├─ ├─ taskBatchStatus | 2 | Integer | Task status (-1: all failed; -2: partially failed; -3: canceled; -4: timeout; 1: pending; 2: in progress; 3: completed) |
├─ ├─ type | 1002 | Integer | Task type (same description as above) |
├─ ├─ createTimestamp | 1713429395000 | Long | Task creation timestamp |
├─ ├─ subTasks | Object[] | ||
├─ ├─ ├─ taskId | 1 | Integer | Subtask ID |
├─ ├─ ├─ padCode | AC22030022441 | String | Instance number |
├─ ├─ ├─ fileUniqueId | e2c07491309858c5cade4bfc44c03724 | String | Unique file identifier |
├─ ├─ ├─ taskStatus | 2 | Integer | Task status (same description as above) |
├─ ├─ ├─ endTime | 1713429401000 | Long | Subtask end timestamp |
Example request
"page": 1,
"rows": 10,
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"page": 1,
"rows": 10,
"size": 10,
"total": 310.
"totalPage": 31.
"pageData": [
"taskBatchId": "9d4b45447172732670c10808d630e454",
"taskBatchStatus": 2,
"type": 1002,
"createTimestamp": 1713429395000,
"subTasks": [
"taskId": 1,
"padCode": "AC22030022441".
"fileUniqueId": "e2c07491309858c5cade4bfc44c03724",
"taskStatus": 2,
"endTime": 1713429401000
Get the result of the instance execution script
Get the result of the instance's script execution by executing the script task ID.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description |
taskIds | Integer [] | yes | ||
├── 1 | Integer | No | Task ID |
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamps |
data | Object[] | ||
├─taskId | 1 | Integer | TaskId |
├─padCode | AC22020020793 | String | Instance Number |
├─taskStatus | 3 | Integer | Task Status (-1: total failure; -2: partial failure; -3: cancelled; -4: timeout; 1: pending; 2: execution in progress; 3: complete) |
├─endTime | 1756021166163 | Long | Task Execution End Time |
├─taskContent | Success | String | Task Content |
├─taskResult | Success | String | Task Result |
Example request
"taskIds": [1]
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"taskId": 1,
"padCode": "AC22020020793".
"taskResult": "Success",
"endTime": "1756021166163",
"taskContent": "Success"
Get file upload task results
Get the file upload result of the instance by the file upload task ID.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Is Required | Parameter Description |
taskIds | Integer[] | Yes | ||
├─ | 1 | Integer | Yes | Task ID |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status code |
msg | success | String | Response message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | Object[] | ||
├─ fileList | Object[] | ||
├─ ├─ taskId | 1 | Integer | Task ID |
├─ ├─ taskStatus | 3 | Integer | Task status (-1: all failed; -2: partially failed; -3: canceled; -4: timeout; 1: pending; 2: in progress; 3: completed) |
├─ ├─ fileName | xxx.apk | String | File name |
├─ ├─ fileUniqueId | 6865b417b7257d782afd5ac8bee4d311 | String | Unique file identifier |
├─ ├─ appId | "" | Integer | Application ID |
├─ ├─ endTime | 1756021166163 | Long | Task execution end timestamp |
Example request
"taskIds": [1]
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1713773577581.
"data": {
"fileName": "xxx.apk",
"fileUniqueId": "6865b417b7257d782afd5ac8bee4d311",
"appId": null,
"endTime": 1756021166163
Get instance screenshot results
Get the screenshot result of the instance by screenshot task ID.
Interface URL
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Is Required | Parameter Description |
taskIds | Integer[] | Yes | ||
├─ | 1 | Integer | No | Task ID |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status code |
msg | success | String | Response message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | - | Object[] | Task list details |
├─ taskId | 1 | Integer | Task ID |
├─ taskStatus | 3 | Integer | Task status (-1: all failed; -2: partially failed; -3: canceled; -4: timeout; 1: pending; 2: in progress; 3: completed) |
├─ padCode | AC22020020793 | String | Instance number |
├─ taskContent | Success | String | Task content |
├─ taskResult | Success | String | Task result |
├─ endTime | 1756121167163 | String | Task execution end time |
Example request
"taskIds": [1]
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"taskId": 1,
"taskStatus": 3,
"padCode": "AC22020020793".
"taskContent": "Success",
"taskResult": "Success",
"endTime": 1756121167163
Application start/stop implementation results
Get the results of an instance's application start/stop by its application start/stop task ID
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Required or Not | Parameter Description --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- taskIds | | Integer [] | yes | ├── 1 | Integer | Yes | Task ID
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status Code |
msg | success | String | Response Message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamps |
data | Object[] | ||
├─ taskId | 1 | Integer | TaskId |
├─ padCode | AC22020020793 | String | Example Number |
├─ taskStatus | 3 | Integer | TaskStatus (-1: total failure; -2: partial failure; -3: cancelled; -4: timeout; 1: pending; 2: execution in progress; 3: complete) |
├─ endTime | 1756021166163 | Long | Task execution end time |
├─ taskContent | Success | String | TaskContent |
├─ taskResult | Success | String | Task Result |
Example request
"taskIds": [1]
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"taskId": 1,
"taskStatus": 3,
"padCode": "AC22020020793".
"taskContent": "Success",
"taskResult": "Success",
"endTime": 1756121167163
Instance restart reset execution results
Get the instance restart reset execution result by task ID.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Is Required | Parameter Description |
taskIds | Integer[] | Yes | ||
├─ | 1 | Integer | Yes | Task ID |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status code |
msg | success | String | Response message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | - | Object[] | |
├─ taskId | 1 | Integer | Task ID |
├─ padCode | AC21020010001 | String | Instance number |
├─ taskStatus | 3 | Integer | Task status (-1: all failed; -2: partially failed; -3: canceled; -4: timeout; 1: pending; 2: in progress; 3: completed) |
├─ endTime | 1756021167163 | Long | Task execution end time |
├─ taskContent | "" | String | Task content |
├─ taskResult | Success | String | Task result |
Example request
"taskIds": [1]
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1756021167163
"taskId": 1,
"padCode": "AC22030022911".
"taskStatus": 3,
"endTime": 1756021166163.
"taskContent": null,
"taskResult": "Success"
Mirror upload task result query
Get mirror upload task results by task ID.
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request Body parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Is Required | Parameter Description |
taskIds | Integer[] | Yes | ||
├─ | 36 | Integer | Yes | Task ID |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status code |
msg | success | String | Response message |
ts | 1718262521168 | Long | Timestamp |
data | - | Object[] | |
├─ taskId | 36 | Integer | Task ID |
├─ taskStatus | 2 | Integer | Task status (-1: creation failed; 1: in progress; 2: creation successful) |
├─ errorMsg | "" | String | Error message |
Example request
"taskIds": [1]
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"ts": 1718262521168.
"data": [
"taskId": 36,
"taskStatus": 2,
"errorMsg": ""
SDK Token Issuance
Issue a temporary STS Token for authentication of the user accessing the cloud phone service.
Get SDK temporary token
Interface address
Mode of request
Request data type
Request example
package com.xiaosuan.api.utils;
import com.xiaosuan.armcloud.sdk.configure.ArmCloudConfig;
import com.xiaosuan.armcloud.sdk.constant.ArmCloudApiEnum;
import com.xiaosuan.armcloud.sdk.http.DefaultHttpExecutor;
import com.xiaosuan.armcloud.sdk.model.Result;
import com.xiaosuan.armcloud.sdk.service.ArmCloudApiService;
import com.xiaosuan.armcloud.sdk.service.impl.ArmCloudApiServiceImpl;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class test {
* 获取sts_token
* @param args
* @throws Exception
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ArmCloudConfig armCloudConfig = new ArmCloudConfig();
ArmCloudApiService armcloudApiService = new ArmCloudApiServiceImpl(armCloudConfig, new DefaultHttpExecutor());
Result<Object> result = armcloudApiService.execute(ArmCloudApiEnum.STS_TOKEN,new HashMap<>(), new TypeReference<Result<Object>>() {});
Response parameters
Parameter Name | Example Value | Parameter Type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | Status code |
msg | success | String | Response message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | Timestamp |
data | - | Object | |
├─ token | 18df5803-48ce-4b53-9457-6a15feb1daca | String | SDK communication token |
Example of response
"code": 200.
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"token": "18df5803-48ce-4b53-9457-6a15feb1daca"
Error code
Error Code | Error Description | Recommendations |
100004 | Invalid key | Refer to the interface description to check the request parameters and passed values |
SDK Token Issuance(Based on padCode)
Issue a temporary STS Token to be used to authenticate the user accessing the cloud phone service (the token can only be used for the requested padCode).
Get SDK temporary token (based on padCode)
interface address
request method
Request data type
Request Body Parameters
parameter name | example value | Parameter type | Required or not | Parameter Description |
padCode | AC32010230001 | String | yes | Instance code |
Example of a request
Example of a request
parameter name | example value | Parameter type | Parameter Description |
code | 200 | Integer | status code |
msg | success | String | response message |
ts | 1756021167163 | Long | timestamp |
data | Object | ||
├─token | 18df5803-48ce-4b53-9457-6a15feb1daca | String | sdk通信token |
Response Example
Configuration instructions
The customer needs to configure the callback address in the customer's open platform, and if the address is successfully configured, receiving callback information will be enabled by default.
Asynchronous execution of ADB command callbacks
Scenarios of use
Client calls to asynchronously execute ADB commands are notified to the client through this callback interface.
Fields | Types | Examples | Descriptions |
taskId | Integer | 1 | taskid |
padCode | String | AC22030022001 | Instance Identifier |
taskStatus | Integer | 3 | taskStatus (-1: total failure; -2: partial failure; -3: cancelled; -4: timeout; 1: pending; 2: execution in progress; 3: complete) |
endTime | Long | 1756021166163 | Task execution end time |
taskResult | String | Success | taskResult |
taskContent | String | TaskContent | |
cmd | String | cd /root;ls | Executed Commands |
cmdResult | String | /ws | Executed Command Returns |
Instance file upload callbacks
Scenarios of use
Clients calling the instance file upload api are notified via this callback interface.
Field | Type | Example | Description |
taskId | Integer | 1 | Task ID |
result | Boolean | true | Execution result: true for success, false for failure |
errorCode | String | Error code | |
padCode | String | AC22030022001 | Instance number |
fileId | String | cf08f7b685ab3a7b6a793b30de1b33ae34 | File ID |
Application installation callbacks
Scenarios of use
The client invokes application installation and the installation of the application is notified to the client through this callback interface.
Fields | Types | Examples | Descriptions |
taskId | Integer | 1 | Task ID |
apps | Object[] | Application Information | |
├─ appId | Integer | 10001 | Application ID |
├─ appName | String | demo | appName |
├─ pkgName | String | | package name |
├─ padCode | String | AC22030022001 | Instance number |
├─ result | boolean | true | Identifier of the installation result. true: success, false: failure |
Application uninstallation callbacks
Scenarios of use
The client invokes application uninstallation and the application uninstallation is notified to the client through this callback interface.
Fields | Types | Examples | Descriptions |
taskId | Integer | 1 | Task ID |
apps | Object | Application Information | |
├─ appId | Integer | 10001 | Application ID |
├─ appName | String | demo | appName |
├─ pkgName | String | | package name |
├─ padCode | String | AC22030022001 | Instance number |
result | boolean | true | Identifier of the result of the installation. true: success, false: failure |
Application startup callbacks
Scenarios of use
The client invokes application startup and the application startup is notified to the client through this callback interface.
Fields | Types | Examples | Descriptions |
taskId | Integer | 1 | Task ID |
taskStatus | Integer | 3 | taskStatus (-1: all failed; -3: cancelled; -4: timeout; 1: pending; 2: executing; 3: complete) |
padCode | String | AC22030022001 | Instance Identification |
pkgName | String | | Package Name |
Application stop callbacks
Scenarios of use
The client calls application stop and the application stop is notified to the client via this callback interface.
Fields | Types | Examples | Descriptions |
taskId | Integer | 1 | Task ID |
taskStatus | Integer | 3 | taskStatus (-1: all failed; -3: cancelled; -4: timeout; 1: pending; 2: executing; 3: complete) |
padCode | String | AC22030022001 | Instance Identifier |
pkgName | String | | Package Name |
Application restart callbacks
Scenarios of use
The client invokes application restart and the application restart is notified to the client through this callback interface.
Fields | Types | Examples | Descriptions |
taskId | Integer | 1 | Task ID |
taskStatus | Integer | 3 | taskStatus (-1: all failed; -3: cancelled; -4: timeout; 1: pending; 2: executing; 3: complete) |
padCode | String | 212254 | Instance Identifier |
pkgName | String | | Package Name |
Query instance application list callbacks
Scenarios of use
The client calls the instance installed application list and the instance installed application list is notified to the client via this callback interface.
Fields | Types | Examples | Descriptions |
taskId | Integer | 1 | Task ID |
taskStatus | Integer | 1 | taskStatus (-1: all failed; -3: cancelled; -4: timeout; 1: pending; 2: executing; 3: complete) |
padCode | String | AC22030022001 | pod identifier |
apps | Object[] | ||
├─appName | String | test | appName |
├─pkgName | String | | package name |
File upload callbacks
Scenarios of use
The client calls to upload a file, and the uploaded file is notified to the client through this callback interface.
Fields | Types | Examples | Descriptions |
taskId | Integer | 1 | Task ID |
taskStatus | Integer | 3 | taskStatus (-1: all failed; -3: cancelled; -4: timeout; 1: pending; 2: executing; 3: complete) |
originFileUrl | String | | originalFileDownloadAddress |
fileUniqueId | String | test001 | fileid |
Instance state task callbacks
Scenarios of use
The client calls instance restart/instance reset and the status of the instance restart/instance reset task is notified to the client through this callback interface.
Fields | Types | Examples | Descriptions |
taskBusinessType | Integer | 1 | taskBusinessType (1000: instance restart; 1001: instance reset) |
taskId | Integer | 2 | TaskId |
taskStatus | Integer | 3 | taskStatus (-1: all failed; -3: cancelled; -4: timeout; 1: pending; 2: executing; 3: complete) |
padCode | String | 212254 | Instance number |
taskResult | String | Success | taskResult |
taskContent | String | TaskContent | |
endTime | Long | 177777224 | endTime |
Instance state callbacks
Scenarios of use
Instance state changes are notified to the client through this callback interface.
Fields | Types | Examples | Descriptions |
padStatus | Integer | 1 | Instance Status: 10-Running 11-Restarting 12-Resetting 13-Upgrading 14-Exception 15-Not Ready |
padCode | String | 212254 | Instance Identifier |
Cloud machine status callbacks
Scenarios of use
Changes in the state of the cloud machine are notified to the client through this callback interface.
Fields | Types | Examples | Descriptions |
deviceStatus | Integer | 1 | PhysicalMachineStatus 0-offline; 1-online |
deviceCode | String | 212254 | Cloud Machine ID |
Instance upgrade mirror callbacks
Scenarios of use
Instance upgrades mirroring task state changes are notified to the client through this callback interface.
Fields | Types | Examples | Descriptions |
padCode | String | 212254 | instance number |
taskBusinessType | Integer | 1 | taskBusinessType(1012 Upgrade Mirror) |
taskStatus | Integer | 3 | TaskStatus (-1: all failed; -3: cancelled; -4: timeout; 1: pending; 2: execution in progress; 3: complete) |
taskId | Integer | 1 | Task ID |
taskContent | String | taskContent | |
endTime | Long | 1756021166163 | endTime |
taskResult | String | Success | taskResult |
Application blacklisting task callbacks
Scenarios of use
The instance sets up that application blacklisted task status changes are notified to the client through this callback interface.
Fields | Types | Examples | Descriptions |
padCode | String | 212254 | instance number |
taskId | Integer | 1 | Task ID |
taskStatus | Integer | 3 | TaskStatus (-1: all failed; -3: cancelled; -4: timeout; 1: pending; 2: execution in progress; 3: complete) |