VersionUpdate ContentUpdate Date
V1.1.21. Added camera and microphone control features.2024.08.13
V1.1.11. Added group control feature.2024.08.05
V1.1.01. Added logging.
2. Fixed landscape mode issue.
V1.0.91. Added logging.2024.07.25
V1.0.81. Added WebSocket reconnection mechanism and callback.
2. Added loading progress-related callbacks.
V1.0.71. Optimized microphone functionality.
2. Optimized reporting feature.
V1.0.61. Added shake feature.
2. Added microphone sound input.
3. Fixed green screen issue.
4. Added log reporting feature.
5. Added option to maintain channel connection without audio/video.
6. Fixed issue with Firefox not opening.
V1.0.31. Handled incorrect message format error.
2. Added SDK version number field: armCloud.version.
V1.0.21. Optimized logic for successful loading of the first frame of video.
2. Adjusted automatic playback failure logic; default mute playback.
V1.0.11. Added onRenderedFirstFrame() callback for successful rendering of the first video frame.
2. On console platform, dragging event remains selected after releasing the mouse.
3. P2P latency and packet loss rate callback.
4. When deviceInfo is 3, sound does not play for cloud machine video.
5. Mute and unmute do not take effect.
V1.0.01. Handled landscape and portrait mode for game screen.
2. Added clipboard-related APIs (sendInputClipper, onOutputClipper).
3. Fixed black screen issue when refreshing H5 page.
4. Fixed issue where the back button needs to be clicked twice in certain scenes.
5. Optimized mouse wheel event.
6. Changed menu event to pop up the background application list.
7. Fixed issue with saving screenshots to local.
8. Added configuration for callback initialization to receive clipboard content.
9. Added API for receiving clipboard content callback: armCloud.saveCloudClipboard(true).